Ready, players?! Welcome to this year’s Kids’ Day, a game-tastic adventure that will take you through an online expedition of CRC and all of the teams who make it tick. Come along and through this one-of-a-kind virtu-quest, you’ll get an inside glimpse into what your parents have been up to this year, plus a look at some of CRC’s other accomplishments, impacts, and improvements to the world around us.


Estimated Play Time: 2 hours | Players can pause and return to the game as needed without losing their progress.

  1. From the App Store or Google Play, download Actionbound, the app in which you will play, to your smartphone or mobile device.

  2. Open the app. Select I Agree then tap Get Started.

  3. Tap Scan Code and scan the appropriate QR code to the right. (Or, click the QR code to access the Bound.)

  4. Tap Start Bound to begin the CRC Kids’ Day 2022 virtu-quest.

  5. When prompted, enter a team name for your family that includes your last name and enter the names of each player in your family.

  6. Select We Agree then tap Let’s Go to start the fun!

  7. IMPORTANT: Once you’ve finished, make sure to tap “Finish Bound” and hit “Send” to qualify for your prize! Please complete your bound by Monday, March 21.

Our virtu-quest will test your knowledge, creativity, and gumption. But, the journey will be well worth the effort as the fun doesn’t have to end here! Complete each stage of the game and winners will get tickets to one of these attractions…

Accommodations can be made for players outside of the mid-Atlantic region.

Keep your eyes on this space! As your virtu-quest photos roll in, we’ll compile and post them here for everyone to enjoy. Reactions and comments are encouraged… say hi to your pals and let us know what you think about their adventures.

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