Together with our related companies, CRC Companies is setting the bar locally and across the nation. But don’t take our word for it. Our collective portfolio has won literally hundreds of accolades from prestigious organizations large and small.
Recent Awards //
Award of Excellence, Excellence in Safety
CBG Building Company
Silver, Best Low-Rise Apartment Community For Rent (Non-Garden, 5 Stories or Less)
Novel Independence Park - Tampa, FL
Winner, Specialty Construction - Commercial (More than $10 Million)
The Astrid - Bethesda, MD
Winner, Mega Project: Completed By General Contractors with Budgets Over $100 Million
The Hartley & Common Clover - Washington, DC
Winner, Mixed-Use (Over $50 Million)
Reverb - Washington, DC
Winner, Best Best Student or Faculty Housing - On or Off Campus Residential
UC Davis Orchard Park - Davis, CA
Winner, Best Multi-Family Housing Community - 100 Du/Acre or More
Reverb - Washington, DC
Winner, Best Multi-Family Housing Community - 100 Du/Acre or More
The Camille - Chevy Chase, MD
Winner, Higher Education/Research
UC Davis Orchard Park - Davis, CA
Award of Excellence, Excellence in Safety
CBG Building Company
Silver, Best Multifamily Housing Community – Built for Rent
Vitruvian West Phases II and III - Addison, TX